Friday, August 20, 2010

I came across an article recently, while doing a book search, titled ContradictionsinBible (sic).
It became apparent that this was a blind bigotted attack on Scripture before I had got past the first page.
This is what I read:
“Every word of God proves true.” says the Bible, Proverbs 30: 5. KJ version). Is the Bible, then, entirely the word of God? Does every word prove true?....
The writer, K E Nahigian of Sacramento assumes that his readers, being Cretins, would not think for a moment to pick up a Bible and read for themselves.
If they do, they will read at Proverbs 30: 5 in the English King James Bible, Every word of God is pure.
We do not waste our time reading the rantings of sin-laden theological scholars so the thing was dumped immediately. The man had nothing to say that related to truth.
We are not concerned with answering every smear against our Holy Spirit given Bible. We are not anxious to convert the soul sitting in the gathering with his perversion of Scripture on his knee. We are concerned with strengthening the faith of those who know and love the true Bible.
□ Another book: The Invisible War caught my attention while reading an article by E Wilson. Written by Donald Grey Barnhouse, it describes the conflict between good and evil. Barnhouse was an outstanding theologian but alas, I discovered in the first few pages that he held to the “Gap Theory” and much of his work was based on this error. I discarded the book.